Back in the saddle again?

I've joined this year's Tour de Fleece hoping that it will jump-start this blog once again. I'll try to post every day or two on my progress.
We'll see how it goes. Looking forward to this year's Tour de France as well (we'll be watching on our new-to-us 30" HDTV!) Will there be as much scandal as last year? (Is that even possible?) Who will win since Team Astana and Tom Boonen (what an idiot) are out of the race? Should be interesting!
Anyway, the challenge for this year's Tour de Fleece is to spin from your stash. That shouldn't be a problem for me, since I buy way more than I spin. I just have to decide what to spin. I think my personal challenge is going to be to spin something from my stash that I think is really special (ie. I wanted to save until I thought I was a good spinner) and spin it into something usable. I also want to have an idea of what I am going to make out of the finished yarn. I'm looking forward to having more spinning blogs to read too!
Hopefully I'll find the cable to my camera so that I can post some pictures, otherwise this could become a very boring blog-resurrection.
See you soon!
We'll see how it goes. Looking forward to this year's Tour de France as well (we'll be watching on our new-to-us 30" HDTV!) Will there be as much scandal as last year? (Is that even possible?) Who will win since Team Astana and Tom Boonen (what an idiot) are out of the race? Should be interesting!
Anyway, the challenge for this year's Tour de Fleece is to spin from your stash. That shouldn't be a problem for me, since I buy way more than I spin. I just have to decide what to spin. I think my personal challenge is going to be to spin something from my stash that I think is really special (ie. I wanted to save until I thought I was a good spinner) and spin it into something usable. I also want to have an idea of what I am going to make out of the finished yarn. I'm looking forward to having more spinning blogs to read too!
Hopefully I'll find the cable to my camera so that I can post some pictures, otherwise this could become a very boring blog-resurrection.
See you soon!