back tack II

So, I am a little behind with my back tack work already!!! My secret pal has been emailing me with questions and I have been so busy I haven't had time to get back to her. I have been reading my recipients blog a bit, but I have no idea what sort of kit to put together for her! I thought that if I got a knitter, I would put together a spinning kit for her. But my recipient is already a spinner. She has a wheel and everything! While I think about that, I'll try not to hold up my secret pal's work any longer.
1. I really like bold colors, particularly brown paired with a bold color. I like stripes (especially off-kilter stripes) and big dots. I also really like asian prints (not cheesy asian prints, but real asian prints), but I'm not really into having characters or icons on my fabric. I don't mind the ocassional food item though (sushi, olives, etc). In fact, the fabric that I sent out for the last back tack was black with green olives on it. I'm also not too into floral prints. I guess I like simple stuff.
2. Other than spinning, I have been picking up a few other hobbies here and there. There is of course knitting, but I have also recently been learning how to dye using kool-aid. I also just took a class by Sharon Costello at Springwater on wet felting vessels. I really enjoyed that a lot. I also sew some, but haven't been doing too much of that due to a lack of space.
3. What would I like to try? Well, I really enjoy things involving fiber right now. But I'm not sure what else there is for me to do. Crochet? I have been seeing a lot of really nice quilts lately and I bought the Denyse Schmidt book, which I may try a few projects out of. What else am I interested in? Well, I really want to try to make a rolled edge hem for a skirt on a serger, but I don't have a serger, so that will have to go on hold. I wouldn't mind trying to make a stuffy either. I pretty much love all things involving sewing and fiber. The one thing that really holds no interest for me at all is sock knitting. I have no idea why, but it just doesn't appeal to me.
I hope this helps some! I am going to try and think of more things to help my back tack secret pal.
Hopefully another post this weekend of my felted vessel!