Happy Valentine's Day
To celebrate, here are 33 things I love (idea taken from mmm, brains, who did 50 things, but 33 was all I could come up with for now).
- My husband (of course!)
- My family (I was going to list them one by one, but that would probably be all 50 things right there)
- Our home
- Vacationing
- Spending quality time with friends and family
- Chicago
- Berkeley
- Korean food (espeically Nam Kang and kim chi jigee)
- Spring
- Snowboarding all day in great snow and on steep mountains (but I do not love tow bars in anyway whatsoever)
- All animals (especially kittys and doggies and pandas)
- Crafty-ness
- Sleeping in on the weekends
- Naps in the middle of the day
- The fact that Isaac and I are so goofy
- Falling right back in step with an old friend after not having seen them for a long time
- The spot on Isaac's shoulder where I like to sleep with his arm around me
- Snow/hurricane days
- Europe
- Hong Kong
- Oceans and rivers (especially the river near Weaverville where it's all nice and cold)
- Maui
- Good, loud music
- Yoga
- The way you feel after a good run and a shower
- Spending all day in bed with the hubby
- Being married
- euchre
- Growing more in love with Isaac all the time
- Washington DC (except for the driving, murders, gangs, and general exceptions like that)
- Chocolate
- homemade ice cream
- Wandering around Eastern Market on a nice day (I know, it's in DC, but I love it so much it deserves its own number)
Happy Valentine's Day!